Subsidiary responsible for software development at Volkswagen stored movement data from around 800,000 electric cars in such ...
Thousands of hackers and activists meet in Hamburg. After the opening, well-attended presentations dealt with data leaks at ...
Deye inverters have been receiving automatic updates since last week. In some cases, the devices are no longer producing ...
Then, however, the X100VI went viral on Tiktok, and to an unprecedented extent. According to Fujifilm, the maximum production ...
There were exciting developments and important moments in photography in 2024 that will be remembered.
The photo of a seemingly headless flamingo by photographer Miles Astray won an award in the AI category of the "1839 Awards" ...
Six months later, the Photo+Adventure trade fair festival in Duisburg, which had been running since 2014, was hit. Here, too, ...
Adobe Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements were available as "perpetual licenses" until 2024 – The software could be used ...
In general, it says a lot about the self-image of an industry when someone like Mustafa Suleyman, head of Microsoft AI, was ...
Die EU-Kommission hat beschlossen, einen wichtigen Netzwerkknoten für satellitengestützte Kommunikationsdienste in Köln ...
Ein Browser-Plugin verspricht Rabatte beim Online-Shopping. Die gibt es auch – aber Provisionen und anderes scheinen vor ...
Ohne einen Verkauf droht Tiktok in wenigen Wochen ein Verbot in den USA. Donald Trump bittet nun das Oberste Gericht, ihm ...