OBCT, together with its partners from the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) and the SafeJournalists Network (SJN), strongly ...
In the European Union there is enormous potential for the production of renewable energy, still only partially exploited. It is concentrated above all in rural regions: with adequate investments, it c ...
Protests in Serbia continue. On March 1st, a new protest was held in Niš. Students issued the “Students’ edict” ...
The cityscape of Bulgaria's capital has changed dramatically since 1989. But the building boom has paid scant regard to either regulations or the city's distinctive architectural heritage. And ...
In March 20 years ago, after the victory for the affirmative vote in a referendum abandoned by the majority of the Bosnian Serbs, Bosnia Herzegovina declared its independence. A month later the war ...
The dispute over the modifications to the Armenian Constitution requested by Azerbaijan continues to hinder the normalization of relations between the two countries and the achievement of peace ...
Protests in Serbia continue. On March 1st, a new protest was held in Niš. With a bit of irony, students issued the “Students’ edict”. Vučić reacted harshly, attacking the students and the media ...
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan attended last month’s World Economic Forum in Davos. So too did Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev but there have so far not been any reports that the two met.
Već dvanaest godina srpski predsednik Aleksandar Vučić poziva na nedovoljno definisanu borbu protiv korupcije. Do pre ...
Dopo "L’odore del mare" (Ediciclo, 2019), in cui esplorava la relazione intima con il mare attraverso il cammino lungo le ...
Non si placano le proteste degli studenti in Serbia. Il primo marzo si sono radunati a Niš, nella Serbia sudorientale, da lì ...
Călin Georgescu, il candidato di estrema destra uscito dal primo turno - poi annullato - delle presidenziali romene, è stato ...