On a Friday night before February break, approximately 55 Inter-Lakes and Sandwich Central School students and family members explored the universe by gazing at the stars and planets ...
Since nutrition-facts labeling was first introduced by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in 1973, the back of the box has been a controversial space. Countless FDA rule ...
McKinsey & Company published a comprehensive report etching out the future trajectory of quantum computing. The report was ambitiously named ‘The Rise of Quantum Computing.' However, the ambitions ...
Cold atoms are atoms that have been cooled to very low temperatures, below 1 mK, reducing their motion to a very low energy regime where quantum effects emerge. This makes them sensitive to some ...
Sheets of bismuth, gallium, indium, tin and lead can now be made just a few atoms thick by crushing them at a high temperature and pressure between two sapphires ...
Scientist Stephen Jesse will speak Tuesday at Friends of ORNL on "Building Materials and Devices with Atomic Precision: Perils and Promise" ...
The film explores the fundamental principles of electricity, explaining the structure of atoms and the behavior of electrons. It discusses how electricity is generated through the movement of ...
I have been asked to share more of my personal faith. The two words, ecumenical and Christian, are inseparable in my faith.
This colorful new view combines images that were taken in three different filters by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 and highlights hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen atoms. It is showing only a tiny ...
The film explains the concept of chemical changes, where two or more materials combine to form entirely different substances. It highlights everyday examples of chemical changes, such as burning wood ...