At 2:46 p.m. Central time ... “I think the thing I’m proudest of is that all the eyes of college basketball were on the state of Alabama and the SEC. What this conference has done in men ...
No. 2 matchup in SEC basketball history. It’s not that basketball didn’t matter in the state before. Alabama and Auburn had some legendary players and coaches with names like Leon Douglas ...
Saturday’s game between No. 1 Auburn and No. 2 Alabama lived up to the hype of what was inarguably the biggest college basketball game in the state’s history. For Auburn, the afternoon ended ...
No. 2 Alabama is the ultimate Iron Bowl ... is excited to see the passion for basketball flourishing within the state. He's spent 16 years covering sports in the state of Alabama and in that ...
as a years-in-the-making showdown between No. 1 Auburn basketball and No. 2 Alabama will take place Saturday (3 p.m., ESPN) ...
The Texas Southern Tigers take on the Alabama State Hornets in the SWAC Tournament. Thursday's meeting will be the second of the season between the two teams.
Still, no game outranks this Saturday’s SEC showcase between No. 1 Auburn and No. 2 Alabama, a matchup that’s not only a battle for league supremacy but also for state-wide bragging rights.
No. 1 Auburn at No. 2 Alabama? In basketball? Despite all of the awesome ... because it will be a historically unprecedented moment for the state of Alabama, a No. 1 vs. No. 2 matchup between ...
No. 5 Florida and No. 8 Alabama duel for second place in the SEC standings. Live updates, game highlights, how to watch and ...