Enjoy the beautiful lyrics of "Torete" by Moonstar88 by joining us in celebrating the melody and emotion that make this song ...
Explore the amazing themes of BINI's "Cherry on Top" and uncover the song's deeper meanings. Get into lyrics, symbolism, and ...
MUSIC has long been a powerful means to connect with people and reach larger communities. Through lyrics, melodies or even artists they admire, individuals can find aspects of a song that resonate ...
For three decades, songwriter Trina Belamide has penned hit after hit, crafting catchy pop songs that have long become part ...
World Vision has entrusted Quest, an award-winning Filipino hip-hop and R&B singer and songwriter, to create the theme song ...
With its visually striking music video, poignant lyrics and delightfully sounding blend of Mondo Castro, Diego Mapa and Kitchie Nadal’s diverse vocal styles, the newly dropped track A Thousand Voices ...
In the final lines of Tothapi’s song “Panata,” the Bicol-based band sings about wanting to remain in a peaceful state with a loved one despite the many experiences people have in ...
When you go to karaoke, you will probably hear songs written by OPM artist Armi Millare. Her ballads have touched a ...
Music lovers in Davao are in for a treat! From OPM icons to international sensations, these artists are set to serenade the city with their much-awaited perform ...
Sonia del Rosario, who made a name for herself as Syd Hartha, enjoys looking back at her journals. Every page contains her ...