The bronze sword was unearthed by archaeologists at an ancient fort in the Nile Delta. It was emblazoned with the signature ...
Ramses the Great is credited with expanding Egypt's reach as far as modern Syria to the east and Sudan to the south.
The 18th Dynasty ruler’s tomb was the single most consequential discovery of Egyptian antiquities to date; its importance lay not just in the treasures hidden inside, but in the fact that the ...
The Rosetta Stone played a vital role in researchers deciphering hieroglyphics. It was found in 1799, but wasn't fully deciphered until many years later.
A joint team of researchers from Egypt and Germany have announced their first successes restoring color to the ancient Temple ...
At least since the conquest of the country by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE and the subsequent installation of the Greek-speaking Ptolemaic Dynasty, ancient Egypt was a country of multiple ...
Inside the fake news crisis at the community paper.
New chemical evidence claims that Venice’s winged lion could be Chinese... And that it's not a lion but an altered Chinese ...
Petition by ex-antiquities minister asks for return of bust, saying it was removed from Egypt illegally in early 1900s.
Hawass said he is not calling for the repatriation of artefacts taken out of Egypt legally. His campaign is focused on ...