Korean Air is undergoing major changes and this week announced plans to update its lounges in New York and Los Angeles, as well as add premium economy seats to nearly a dozen jets.
English heavy metal band Iron Maiden once sang, “Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter,” but when it comes to dismantling the band’s Boeing 747-400 tour plane, it’s a little more complicated.
It’s the greatest symbol of US power – but beset by financial losses and problematic staff, a new Air Force One looks more ...
North of French Polynesia, two South Korean carriers deploy all-Boeing fleets. Air Premia, headquartered in Seoul, operates a ...
The Air Force is yet to decide which aircraft type will form the core of its future executive transport fleet, but still ...
Smaller jets can be cozier and boast competitive fares due to the cheaper costs, and their fewer passengers mean faster ...
As British Airways announces the retirement of its remaining Boeing 747 fleet from passenger service, we take a look at its ...
The days of supersonic travel have been over for more than two decades, while aircraft continue to cruise at Mach 0.85.
Video showed people standing on a wing of the aircraft, which was evacuated using the slides. Twelve people were taken to ...
The 777 went on to be a huge commercial success for Boeing, with the aircraft becoming a common sight around the world, ...
Pan American Airways was founded, marking the beginning of a legacy that would shape the future of global air travel.