Poison Ivy has been an important part of the Harley Quinn animated series since the beginning. Despite this, the series never delved into Dr. Pamela Isley’s background or how she became the infamous ...
In the latest episode of Harley Quinn, the series introduces a villain who played a crucial part in defining Swamp Thing's ...
Poison Ivy #30 will be a flipbook of a comic, one side for Poison Ivy and another for Janet From HR from DC Comics in ...
DC has revealed a line of new Funko Pops celebrating Pride that includes LGBTQ+ characters wearing pride flag colors.
World domination is merely a formality at this point. Now, let us discuss this week's offering: Poison Ivy #29, sprouting in comic stores on Wednesday, January 1st. Behold, the synopsis ...
The new drop celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride with DC heroes and villains like Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Tim Drake, and Batwoman.
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device ...
That's what I find so endearing about the show. The fights they have...feel like a real relationship,' the actress tells ...
Anyone hoping for abundant nods to James Gunn’s Superman probably wasn’t fulfilled, but plenty of fun Man of Steel nods were ...