Uncontrolled space debris reentries are of growing concern for air traffic, as SpaceX's recent Starship Flight 7 showed.
Mining ocean resources needed for electric cars and other devices is currently a hot issue of dispute. Final resolution of ...
Space debris is a real hazard to life on Earth, a physics expert has warned, highlighting the dangers of falling space junk ...
NASA estimates that there are nearly 6,000 tons of space junk in low Earth orbit, moving around our planet at speeds up to 18 ...
The “asteroid” wasn’t a space rock after all. It was a cherry-red Tesla Roadster that Elon Musk launched into space to much ...
Just as we are reckoning with how to conserve ecosystems on Earth for future living creatures, we must think of space as an ...
Space advertising is not currently a problem, but the enterprise needs to be smothered before it has a chance to grow, ...
Morgan Lewis’ Jared Wilkerson and Collin Hopkins examine why companies need to understand the legal risks of developing ...
Rocket Lab delayed the launch of the IOT 4 You and Me mission in order to ensure 'it's safe to merge onto the space highway.' ...
Believe it or not, what appears to be the burnt-out corpse of a Star Wars astromech droid is actually the bare shell of a ...
The risk from space debris is compounded by the growing congestion from operational satellites in low-Earth orbit, ...
As more spacecraft are launched, the risk increases that uncontrolled space debris - those without active guidance - will ...