threatened to delay an agreement on organizing the Senate unless Democrats make a commitment to keep the filibuster. CLIP SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL: Twenty years ago, there was no talk, none ...
“Cloture Motions Do Not Correspond With Filibusters” (underlining added): Although cloture affords the Senate a means for overcoming a filibuster, it is erroneous to assume that cases in which ...
If Democrats run the election table this year, he said, the 60-vote Senate filibuster rule is a goner. Democrats tried to make “exceptions” to the filibuster after they won control of a 50-50 ...
Harry Reid is a former Senate majority leader from Nevada. A real fix for this country would be the abolition of the Senate filibuster in all its forms, allowing for a simple majority vote ...
In September, 57 House Republicans wrote to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, asking him to eliminate the filibuster for “some votes” because “in a democracy the majority should decide.
Demands for alteration of the filibuster rule in the Senate are not unreasonable. The Constitution does not require supermajorities for ordinary legislation, but only for matters relating to ...
Senate Republicans are locking arms to defend the filibuster — putting them on a potential collision course with former ...
[Schumer] told me that if they win, they will change the Senate in terms of the filibuster, and we would pass [the] For The People Act, which makes all the difference in the world in terms of our ...
They will need to overcome the filibuster, a legislative hurdle that two retiring Democrats-turned-independents did not allow their party to eliminate even though it had a majority in the Senate.
There’s no nuking the legislative filibuster a little bit. The end run around the Senate’s long-standing requirement for 60 votes to pass nonfiscal legislation might begin with voting rights ...
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) said Senate Democrats would be “virtually ... votes to reach the 60-vote threshold to get past a filibuster and pass legislation on nonfinancial matters, such as ...
If Democrats run the election table this year, he said, the 60-vote Senate filibuster rule is a goner. Democrats tried to ...