The Startup Pulsar Fusion is proposing a 2 Megawatt nuclear fusion orbital components for 2027. Pulsar has now proceeded to phase 3, the manufacture of the ...
A cutting-edge project to test “fusion blanket” technologies is taking shape, with the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) ...
Proxima Fusion, a Munich-based nuclear fusion technology company, aims to start a test reactor in 2031 as it works towards ...
China has made a significant breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology, achieving record temperatures in its EAST experiment, ...
Imagine cutting a trip to Mars in half. That’s the promise of Sunbird, a groundbreaking nuclear fusion rocket concept ...
Scientists at the United States Idaho National Laboratory (INL) are carrying out tests for ‘fusion blanket’ technologies to ...
Like engineers who design high-performance Formula One race cars, scientists want to create high-performance plasmas in ...
Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory are exploring how deuterium, a potential fusion fuel, interacts with ...
Scientists have toyed with the idea of nuclear rockets since the 1950s. Will they finally become a reality? UK startup Pulsar ...
The Earth possesses virtually inexhaustible reserves of the raw materials—deuterium and tritium—essential for a fusion ...
Once mastered, nuclear fusion technology has the potential to change how humanity lives by providing a limitless, sustainable ...
Students at Texas A&M University have developed a low-cost security system for nuclear microreactors, securing first place at ...