Oil prices fell on Wednesday, with the U.S. benchmark settling at its lowest year to date, after domestic crude stockpiles in ...
A plan to resume offshore oil drilling in Santa Barbara, California, has reopened old wounds in a city where a 1969 oil spill ...
Billions of tons of carbon are being locked away in the stuff we build, use, and throw out—but it won’t stay trapped forever.
First detected in early September, crude oil has continued to appear on the beaches and pristine mangroves of north-east Brazil. Nine states have been cleaning thick sludge from their shores.
If the test succeeds and the technology proves scalable, a next step could be a sludge-to-fuel facility at one of ...
Washington state oil refineries are taking advantage of a newly expanded tanker terminal just across the border near Vancouver, Canada, to up their imports of discount Alberta crude. The increased ...