1. Brave New World By Aldous Huxley If you love Dystopian novels, this is the book for you, as it is definitely a blueprint for modern favorites like The Hunger Games and Divergent. The writing ...
Orwell and Huxley offered contrasting dystopias: oppression versus distraction. Which feels more real today? Explore their ...
Aldous Huxley isn't as famous as George Orwell is ... Morrison's band took their name from The Doors Of Perception, Huxley's book about his experiences with the drug mescaline.
The programme book includes an essay on Huxley and The Devils of Loudun by Uwe Rasch and Gerhard Wagner of the Aldous Huxley Centre. The jazz album, released on 19 June 2022, was inspired by the title ...
When Aldous Huxley published his essay "The Doors of Perception" in 1954, he did much to publicize a very strange drug. "Mescaline," he writes, "admits one to an other-world of light, color ...
I’m also reminded of Aldous Huxley’s autobiographical book The Doors of Perception where he writes: “That humanity at large will ever be able to dispense with Artificial Paradises seems very ...